Aesop over at the amazing Cosmic Hearse blog has upped the first 2 Burmese albums. Monkeys Tear Man to Shreds Man Never Forgives Ape Man Destroys Environment and A mere shadow and reminiscence of humanity. Here's the Burmese tracks from their 2004 split with Fistula on Crucial Blast. I only included the Burmese tracks so you'll have to buy the album to hear the rest.
Burmese has changed alot over the years but they are always completely fucking brutal. The first time i saw them was at Kimo's in SF, around 02. John Dwyer had just been replaced on drums by Mark Schaffer (The Darklord!), and decided to heckle them by throwing empty beer bottles. The whole place pretty much just errupted into a melee of flying glass and limbs with searing, pounding noise, until Mikey's girlfriend grabbed him and dragged him downstairs by his feet. He kept growling into the mic clenched in his teeth and abusing the bass until the cables gave. I've been to very few shows that have errupted into that sort of vortex of violence, and surprisingly nobody really got hurt. Pure catharsis. All their shows back then were pretty physical. Since then they've dropped the electronic noises and blatant Whitehouse worship, and switched to a two bassplayer, two drummer lineup. These days they tend to let the shear awesomeness of the synchronised drumming do the pummeling. They've even added a female vocalist. Still completely brutal.
Speaking of brutal, the aformentioned Darklord:
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